
Packery layouts can be draggable, perfect for draggable Masonry layouts and draggable dashboards.

Draggable Masonry layout

Drag me!

Draggable dashboard

Drag me!


Draggabilly is a separate library that makes elements draggable. It’s pretty great because it supports touch devices. After you initialize a new Draggabilly instance, bind its events to a Packery instance with bindDraggabillyEvents.

// jQuery
$grid.packery( 'bindDraggabillyEvents', draggie )
// vanilla JS
pckry.bindDraggabillyEvents( draggie )

draggie Draggabilly

// initialize Packery
var $grid = $('.grid').packery({
  itemSelector: '.grid-item',
  // columnWidth helps with drop positioning
  columnWidth: 100

// make all grid-items draggable
$grid.find('.grid-item').each( function( i, gridItem ) {
  var draggie = new Draggabilly( gridItem );
  // bind drag events to Packery
  $grid.packery( 'bindDraggabillyEvents', draggie );
/* highlight drag & drop */

/* Draggabilly adds is-dragging */
/* Packery adds class while transitioning to drop position */
.grid-item.is-positioning-post-drag {
  background: #EA0;
  z-index: 2; /* keep dragged item on top */

Drag items

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Unbind Draggabilly events with unbindDraggabillyEvents.

jQuery UI Draggable

Packery works with jQuery UI Draggable. Bind Draggable events to Packery with bindUIDraggableEvents.

// jQuery
$grid.packery( 'bindUIDraggableEvents', $items )

$items jQuery Draggable item elements

// initialize Packery
var $grid = $('.grid').packery({
  itemSelector: '.grid-item',
  // columnWidth helps with drop positioning
  columnWidth: 100

// make all items draggable
var $items = $grid.find('.grid-item').draggable();
// bind drag events to Packery
$grid.packery( 'bindUIDraggableEvents', $items );
/* highlight drag & drop */

/* jQuery UI Draggable adds ui-draggable-dragging */
/* Packery adds class while transitioning to drop position */
.grid-item.is-positioning-post-drag {
  background: #EA0;
  z-index: 2; /* keep dragged item on top */

Unbind jQuery UI Draggable events with unbindUIDraggableEvents.


Drop placeholder

Packery will position a placeholder element, .packery-drop-placeholder, where a dragged element will be positioned when dropped. Style the drop placeholder with your own CSS as its unstyled by default.

.packery-drop-placeholder {
  outline: 3px dashed #444;
  outline-offset: -6px;
  /* transition position changing */
  -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.2s;
          transition: transform 0.2s;

Drag items

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Grid drop positions

We recommend setting columnWidth (or rowHeight for horizontal layouts) to help align dropped items to a grid . Without columnWidth set, dragged items can only be dropped in place of other items.


Use the dragItemPositioned event to detect when Packery positions a dropped item.

Item order

After dropping an item, you can get item elements in order with getItemElements.

// show item order after layout
function orderItems() {
  var itemElems = $grid.packery('getItemElements');
  $( itemElems ).each( function( i, itemElem ) {
    $( itemElem ).text( i + 1 );

$grid.on( 'layoutComplete', orderItems );
$grid.on( 'dragItemPositioned', orderItems );

Drag items

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